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Available Vocabulary

Understanding the Dodgeball Vocabulary

Every company understands the world in different ways. You say tomato, I say Solanum lycopersicum. At the end of the day, we're all talking about the same things, just in different ways. Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of work translating data points across systems. To fix this issue, we've compiled a common vocabulary used for describing entities within Dodgeball. Internally, Dodgeball handles mapping those values into ones that each of our integrations understand, and handle mapping their responses into our common vocabulary. Here you can find a listing of all the data elements within the Dodgeball vocabulary, along with their meaning and formatting.

How to Use the Vocabulary

When submitting data to Dodgeball (either when calling a checkpoint or sending in a tracking event), pass in any data you want. Data passed in our vocabulary has special meaning within Dodgeball and is automatically sent to integrations when appropriate. Here's an example illustrating how to send customer information:

checkpointName: "MY_CHECKPOINT",
event: {
ip: "", // The IP address of the device where the request originated
data: {
// Arbitrary data to send in to the checkpoint...
myData: {
anything: "you'd like to send...",
// Dodgeball vocabulary
customer: {
firstName: "Chester",
lastName: "Tester",
primaryEmail: "",
// ...
sourceToken: "abc123...", // (Optional) Obtained from the Dodgeball Client SDK, represents the device making the request
sessionId: "session_def456", // The current session ID of the request
userId: "user_12345", // When you know the ID representing the user making the request in your database (ie after registration), pass it in here. Otherwise leave it blank.
useVerificationId: "def456", // (Optional), if you have a verification ID, you can pass it in here



The Customer entity represents a real-world user within your application. The top-level key is customer.

There are two kinds of users that are represented by the Customer entity: anonymous and authenticated.

  • Anonymous users are ones who have yet to register or login to your application (ie. your application may not have a unique identifier representing them in your database).
  • Authenticated users are ones who have created an account with your system and have logged-in to that account.

Most users will start as anonymous and transition to authenticated as they use your application. Dodgeball combines these anonymous and authenticated sessions and devices associated with a user's journey into a single Customer entity to help identify suspicious behavior.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
externalIdstring (unique)This is the primary identifier representing the customer within your application. Typically, this is a UUID.
primaryEmailemailThis is the primary email address associated with this customer.
emailemailA comma-separated list of any other email addresses associated with this customer.
primaryPhoneE.164The primary phone number for this customer in E.164 format.
phoneE.164A comma-separated list of any other phone numbers associated with this customer.
firstNamestringThe first name of this customer.
lastNamestringThe last name of this customer.
middleNamestringThe middle name of this customer.
usernamestringIf applicable, the username for this customer within your application.
genderISO/IEC 5218The gender of this customer in ISO/IEC 5218 format.
dateOfBirthYYYY-MM-DDThe date of birth of this customer in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
yearOfBirthYYYYIf you only have the year of birth of this customer, pass it in here.
riskScorenumberThe risk score for this customer. Typically this value is computed by a fraud engine integrated with Dodgeball. However, if you would like to pass in your own risk score, use this data key.
isMfaVerifiedbooleanWhether this customer has ever been verified by MFA. Typically this value is calculated by Dodgeball when using a MFA step in a checkpoint. However, if you handle MFA within your application, use this data key.
isIdvVerifiedbooleanWhether this customer has ever been verified by IDV. Typically this value is calculated by Dodgeball when using a IDV step in a checkpoint. However, if you handle IDV within your application, use this data key.


The Session entity represents a time-bounded series of interactions with your application. The top-level key is session.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
externalIdstring (unique)A unique identifier representing this session that is generated by your application. Typically, this is a UUID.
userAgentstringThe latest user agent for this session.
accountAbuseScorenumberThe account abuse score for this session. Typically this value is computed by a fraud engine integrated with Dodgeball. However, if you would like to pass in your own account abuse score, use this data key.
contentAbuseScorenumberThe content abuse score for this session. Typically this value is computed by a fraud engine integrated with Dodgeball. However, if you would like to pass in your own content abuse score, use this data key.
promotionAbuseScorenumberThe promotion abuse score for this session. Typically this value is computed by a fraud engine integrated with Dodgeball. However, if you would like to pass in your own promotion abuse score, use this data key.
accountTakeoverScorenumberThe account takeover risk score for this session. Typically this value is computed by a fraud engine integrated with Dodgeball. However, if you would like to pass in your own account takeover risk score, use this data key.
isMfaVerifiedbooleanWhether this session has ever been verified by MFA. Typically this value is calculated by Dodgeball when using a MFA step in a checkpoint. However, if you handle MFA within your application, use this data key.
isIdvVerifiedbooleanWhether this session has ever been verified by IDV. Typically this value is calculated by Dodgeball when using a IDV step in a checkpoint. However, if you handle IDV within your application, use this data key.


The Device entity represents a device making a request to your application. The Dodgeball Client SDK automatically handles collecting device information and issuing tokens representing a device, called sourceToken. Typically, you will not need to specify device information when calling checkpoints. The top-level key is device.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
fingerprintHashstringA unique hash representing fingerprint of the device making the request. This will automatically be populated by Dodgeball if a sourceToken is provided when calling a checkpoint.
isMfaVerifiedbooleanWhether this device has ever been verified by MFA. Typically this value is calculated by Dodgeball when using a MFA step in a checkpoint. However, if you handle MFA within your application, use this data key.
isIdvVerifiedbooleanWhether this device has ever been verified by IDV. Typically this value is calculated by Dodgeball when using a IDV step in a checkpoint. However, if you handle IDV within your application, use this data key.
ipAny IPv4 or IPv6 addressNote: This data key is only relevant when tracking server-side events as all checkpoint calls already require an IP address. This represents latest IP address of the device that initiated a request.
browser.userAgentstringUser Agent detected on the device Browser. Example: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
browser.namestringName of the browser detected on the device. Example: "Chrome"
browser.versionstringFull version information of the browser. Example: ""
browser.majorVersionstringMajor version of the browser. Example: "115"
browser.enginestringEngine used by the browser. Example: "Blink"
browser.engineVersionstringVersion of the browser's engine. Example: ""
os.namestringName of the operating system detected on the device. Example: "Mac OS"
os.versionstringFull version information of the operating system. Example: "10.15.7"
isMobilebooleanWhether the device is mobile or not. Example: false
colorDepthnumberThe color depth of the device display. Example: 24
currentResolutionstringCurrent resolution of the device display. Example: "1920x1080"
availableResolutionstringAvailable resolution of the device display. Example: "1920x1055"
browser.pluginsstringList of plugins installed in the browser. Example: "PDF Viewer, Chrome PDF Viewer, Chromium PDF Viewer, Microsoft Edge PDF Viewer, WebKit built-in PDF"
browser.isJavaEnabledbooleanWhether Java is enabled in the browser. Example: false
browser.isFlashEnabledbooleanWhether Flash is enabled in the browser. Example: false
browser.isSilverlightEnabledbooleanWhether Silverlight is enabled in the browser. Example: false
browser.silverLightVersionstringVersion of Silverlight installed, if enabled. Example: ""
browser.mimeTypesstringList of MIME types supported by the browser. Example: "Portable Document Format, Portable Document Format"
browser.fontsstringList of fonts available in the browser. Example: "Arial Black, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Chalkduster, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Hiragino Sans GB, Impact, Menlo, Microsoft Sans Serif, Papyrus, Plantagenet Cherokee, Rockwell, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, Wingdings"
browser.isLocalStorageEnabledbooleanWhether LocalStorage is enabled in the browser. Example: true
browser.isSessionStorageEnabledbooleanWhether SessionStorage is enabled in the browser. Example: true
browser.isCookiesEnabledbooleanWhether cookies are enabled in the browser. Example: true
browser.languagestringLanguage setting of the browser. Example: "en-US"
systemLanguagestringSystem language setting of the device. Example: "en-US"
dodgeballFingerprintService.hashstringHash value from the Dodgeball Fingerprint Service. Example: "1111111111"


The MFA entity represents information relevant to displaying Multi-Factor Authentication modals to a user. The top-level key is mfa.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
phoneNumbersE.164Comma separated list of phone numbers to present to the user when performing MFA.
emailAddressesemailComma separated list of email addresses to present to the user when performing MFA.


The Transaction entity represents a transfer of value. The top-level key is transaction.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
externalIdstring (unique)A unique identifier representing this transaction that is generated by your application.
currencyISO 4217The ISO 4217 currency code for this transaction. Defaults to USD.
amountintegerThe amount of this transaction in the smallest denomination of the currency specified by the currency field (USD by default). For example, $1.50 USD should be submitted as 150 cents.
fromAccountstringAn identifier representing the account that value is being transferred out of.
toAccountstringAn identifier representing the account that value is being transferred into.
riskScorenumberThe risk score for this transaction. Typically this value is computed by a fraud engine integrated with Dodgeball. However, if you would like to pass in your own risk score, use this data key.

Payment Method

The Payment Method entity represents a way in which value can be transferred. The top-level key is paymentMethod.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
externalIdstring (unique)A unique identifier representing this payment method that is generated by your application.


The Address entity represents a physical location. The top-level key is address.

Note: Some data keys below are redundant (eg. line1 and streetName) and are provided for convenience if your application stores the individual components of an address (ie. streetName, streetNumber, unit) instead of a compiled (ie. line1, line2) format.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
externalIdstring (unique)A unique identifier representing this address that is generated by your application.
typestringThe type of this address. Case-insensitive, may be one of: SHIPPING, BILLING, HOME, WORK, or OTHER.
organizationstringThe organization for this address (if applicable).
line1stringThe first line of the address.
line2stringThe second line of the address.
streetNamestringThe street name for this address.
streetNumberstringThe street number for this address.
unitstringThe unit for this address.
citystringThe city for this address.
districtISO 3166-2The region for this address in ISO 3166-2 format.
stateISO 3166-2The state for this address in ISO 3166-2 format.
countryISO 3166-1 alpha-2The country for this address in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
postalCodestringThe postal code for this address.
latitudenumberThe latitude for this address. This typically is populated by an integration in Dodgeball, however you may pass a latitude here if known.
longitudenumberThe longitude for this address. This typically is populated by an integration in Dodgeball, however you may pass a longitude here if known.


The Company entity represents a business. The top-level key is company.

Data Key NameExpected FormatDescription
externalIdstring (unique)A unique identifier representing this company that is generated by your application.
namestringThe name of this company.
websitestringThe website for this company.
employeeCountnumberThe number of employees at this company.
industrystringThe industry for this company.
typestringThe type of this company.
descriptionstringThe description of this company.
line1stringThe first line of the address for this company.
line2stringThe second line of the address for this company.
citystringThe city of the address for this company.
districtstringThe region of the address for this company.
statestringThe state of the address for this company.
countrystringThe country of the address for this company.
postalCodestringThe postal code of the address for this company.