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Socure Integration Guide


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In order for Dodgeball to successfully call Socure, you must whitelist the Dodgeball API's IP in the Socure Admin Dashboard

Required Setup

Whitelisting Dodgeball in Socure

  1. From the Developer Center click on the API Configuration tab. In the table, check the API Outgoing IP Address and copy the IP (or comma separated list of IPs)

API Config

  1. Go to your Socure Admin Dashboard, and click on the Developers dropdown. This is likely located at

  2. Ensure that you have selected your correct environment, then click + New Domain under the IPs & Domains Page and the API Access Section

Socure Dashboard Config

  1. Add the IP address from Dodgeball into the modal. If there are multiple IPs, enter them one at a time.

Socure Dashboard Modal

Using Socure in a Checkpoint

  1. From the Step Palette click on the Services tab. You will find available step templates here. Click and drap them into the checkpoint flow diagram to add them to your workflow.
  2. Connect the step into the diagram where you want it to run.
  3. Click on the Step to view details about the step, and configure how it runs in the flyout configuration panel.